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Back Pain Care in Royal Oak

person with lower back painAt Van Every Family Chiropractic Center, we love taking care of the people in our community. From newborns to senior citizens, we welcome all ages to experience our natural form of health care. When you think of chiropractic, most likely, you associate it with back pain. Though chiropractic can be useful for far more, back pain is one of the most common complaints our patients come in with.

The Causes and Effects of Back Pain

There is no single cause for back pain. It can occur in the upper, middle or lower back. Likely, the source is a mix of issues. Men tend to have low back pain, while women commonly have upper back pain. Your particular problem will depend on where in your body you carry stress and the type of activities you do regularly. Often, our patients who have back pain experience other issues such as constipation, reflux, indigestion and irregular bowel movements.

The nerves from your low back connect to your intestines and fertility system, which means they can cause a broad range of different problems. By addressing your pain, you may find that your body’s systems can begin working as they should.

Back Pain Can Begin Early in Life

When you think of back pain, you probably associate it with adults. We’re seeing increasingly, however, that children are suffering from back pain. They’re beginning athletics earlier in life, carrying heavy backpacks and are looking down at their phones constantly.

Posture is a common concern among adults and children. When you lean forward toward your computer or to look at your phone or tablet, it stresses your back. Nothing more is needed to cause back pain. These simple motions can result in years of pain.

Adjusting You in Motion

Our instrument-based chiropractic technique is extremely gentle, making it appropriate for everyone in your family. If you have pain, the last thing you want to do is climb on and off an adjusting table. We can adjust you seated, standing or in motion. Many back pain injuries are the result of a specific form of movement. We can adjust you while you’re performing that movement for a more effective approach.

Exercises and Ergonomics

As a part of your care, we’ll discuss different aspects of your lifestyle. Nearly all forms of back pain can benefit from specific exercises to strengthen your problem area. Additionally, we’ll talk to you about the setup of your computer and the proper chair for you to use at your computer station. Many of these small factors can add up to making a tremendous change in how you feel.

Saturday Appointments Available

Don’t keep suffering through your discomfort. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your back pain Royal Oak!



Back Pain Care Royal Oak MI | (248) 616-0900