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Help for Torticollis in Royal Oak

smiling baby crawling on carpetTorticollis is defined as a problem involving the muscles of the neck with the head tilting downward. The majority of patients with torticollis are infants and preteens. Most infants with torticollis experience it due to the birthing process.

What Are the Symptoms?

In infants, who have congenital torticollis, you may see the following:

  • The head is tilted to one side with the chin pointed to the opposite shoulder. In approximately 75% of infants with torticollis, the right side is affected.
  • The head doesn’t turn side to side or up and down easily.
  • Your baby has difficulty breastfeeding on one side or prefers to feed on one side only.

The earlier you bring your child in for care, the better. The sooner it’s taken care of, the easier it is for the body to heal. If you think your baby has torticollis, it’s critical to get your child into the practice as quickly as possible.

Preteens or older kids with torticollis usually have it due to stress, sports injuries or they wake up with it. This type of torticollis is idiopathic as it comes out of nowhere.

If torticollis isn’t corrected as soon as possible, the muscles shorten on the side that you’re turned to, so terrible posture can develop. The muscles on the opposite side lengthen, which can lead to a host of other issues down the road. Though torticollis could reverse itself spontaneously, it could take weeks to months to do so.

Our Approach to Correction

The key of what we do is the way we adjust. Our chiropractors use a tool to provide extremely gentle and noninvasive adjustments that get great results. They perform a lot of cranial work which helps reduce tension in the neck. Usually, the adjustments are given at the base of the skull and into the shoulder muscles.

We also teach parents some very specific things to do to address torticollis. These include massage work at home to help the adjustment process.

With chiropractic care and massage, torticollis can clear up quickly. One of Dr. Saylor’s patients is a young boy with torticollis who came in unable to move his neck at all. By the time he left our practice, he could move it and now feels great!

Results Were Amazing

“I cannot thank Dr. Anna Saylor enough for the holistic care she gave my son! Where our pediatrician could provide no comfort, Dr. Saylor was able to help us. I sent my 10-year old son to school feeling fine one day and had to pick him up one hour later in extreme pain with his head slanted to one side and a golf ball sized lump near his lymph node. Gratefully, she worked us into her schedule on the same day. When we arrived, the office environment was friendly, soothing, and definitely kid-friendly. As a nervous mom, I instantly relaxed. She took extra time to talk with my son about what she was going to do, which put him at ease that she wasn’t going to hurt him.

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And then she performed a calming Koren specific technique (KST) that I had never seen before. Using a device, she applied repetitive, mild tapping at various points in his neck and lower back. Dr. Saylor explained that it is a gentle procedure to guide the body to heal and adjust. I admit that I was skeptical, but the results were amazing. The pain instantly subsided and he could move his neck. The next day at school, he could participate in a fun run and within 2 days, he was closer to normal. Thank you, Dr. Saylor! I would recommend not only this treatment option, but the entire office for care – truly a great experience!”

– Kristi F.


Book an Appointment

If you’re looking for help for torticollis Royal Oak, contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saylor or one of her colleagues.


Help for Torticollis Royal Oak MI | (248) 616-0900